MSCA-PF intensive training for MSCA-PF applicants (for MUNI & UP only!)
6. března 2023
9:00 - 16:00 - Kapacita: Obsazeno 66 z 90
WHEN: 6th March 2023, 9:00 - 16:00
VENUE: Link to a ZOOM meeting room will be sent to registered participants no later than 24 hours before the event.
- Key features of MSCA-PF and the motivation behind this programme - Why does Europe spend the funds? What effects do they want to see?
- Strategic apporach to proposal preparation - from resources you should secure and use/ask for & workplan to reviews, consultations, edits and finalisation steps
- Proposal preparation that will be “project-managed” with clear intermediate milestones, meetings with superivsor and consultant + deadlines
- How to create a "project canvas" and "graphical abstract" - clear overviews of your project for detailed reasoning and discussions with supervisor
- Specific aspects of the project proposal in direct relation with the project proposal template - each section of Excellence, Imapct & Implementation
- Communication and collaboration with your supervisor and the host instituion - get them on board for success!
- Appropriate writing style & examples of good practice.
- Our specific support activities including seminars, workshops and individual consultations
- Q&A and next steps